How to claim no claim bonus on new car insurance
If the car buyer has earned a no-claim bonus (NCB) on his previous car policy, this can be claimed on the insurance premium for the new car.
If the car buyer has earned a no-claim bonus (NCB) on his previous car policy, this can be claimed on the insurance premium for the new car.
Do you think you are a good driver? Zuno General Insurance has introduced Zuno Driving Quotient, a unique way to score how you drive. The better you drive, the better your score will be, and the lower you will have to pay for your car insurance. Know how Zuno Driving Quotient will work and how you can get it and lower your next motor insurance premium.
When a policyholder purchases an insurance policy, he receives an NCB certificate, and it is now up to him whether or not he files any claims within the policy year.
Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Comprehensive Car Insurance stands out for its high claims settlement ratio and hassle-free renewals.
A group representing Canada’s insurance industry says the ferocity and frequency of weather events means premiums could rise by as much as 50 per cent.
While starting a claim sooner may help you get reimbursed sooner, IBC said personal claims can usually be reported within two years of finding out about the damage or loss.
In India, road tax is levied by both the Centre and state governments. However, road tax is essentially a state-level tax since the cost of maintenance of local roads is borne by the state governments. Road tax can be paid both offline and online in India. Vehicle owners must note that without producing an active vehicle insurance policy, individuals are not allowed to make road tax payments.
Add-on covers are usually additional benefits that you can add to your comprehensive car insurance policy by paying an extra amount. To protect different parts of your car, there are specific add-on covers. If you don’t understand what part of your car is protected by which add-on cover and jumbled them up while filing an auto insurance claim, your insurance company may refuse to bear the cost. To solve this, Bajaj Allianz General Insurance has come up with a new motor insurance plan that offers a plethora of add-on covers together. Let’s understand how it works
Having a comprehensive bike insurance policy with cashless claim benefits is important to protect your two-wheeler from potential risks on the road. Cashless claims allow you to get repairs done at authorized network garages without any upfront payments, as the insurer directly settles the payment.
The ministry announced the proposed rates via a notification on the E-Gazette website on June 14, 2023. There has been no change proposed in the premium rates for third-party motor insurance for FY2023-24.